System Design
Every property is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to fire mitigation. Taking into account the size of your property, the topography of the terrain, the location of structures, as well as many other variables, we'll custom design a system to meet your specific needs.

Designing your FLD System...
STEP 2.1
Begin System Design
After we've completed the On-site Survey & initial Consultation, we'll begin designing your custom, First Line Defense wildfire mitigation system, tailored specifically to your needs and the needs of your property.
STEP 2.2
Design Review
After completing the Design of your FLD System, we'll provide you with a proposal which includes a notated plot survey, the choice of system components which we consider to be the best fit for your needs and your budget, as well as with pricing. We'll then schedule a follow up call to explain and discuss your options in more detail and to assist you in making your final decision.
STEP 2.3
Accept Final Design
Once you've made your final decision on which FLD System is right for you, we'll email you the invoice and a link to make your payment and to setup your installation date. This, and all your other Bookings, Appointments & Plans can be viewed and changed under the My Account page.